Does Bruce Wayne believe in God? It's a complicated question. On one hand, Bruce is the ultimate self-made man, lashing out at a world that betrayed him as a child and molding himself into the ultimate champion of justice. What need does he have for a higher power? On the other, he's witnessed firsthand just how vast and strange a place the universe is. He knows for a fact that there are beings far outside the realm of mortal comprehension. Is it really such a giant leap from gods to God?
This question becomes paramount in Batman #53, the closing chapter of "Cold Days." As Bruce makes his final case for the idea that Mr. Freeze has been wrongly accused of murder, our hero delves into his own troubled past and reveals his complicated history with religion. The result is one of the strongest chapters of the series yet, and further proof that it's always possible to find new angles on a character as ever-present as Batman.
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