Thursday, October 11, 2018

Black Ops 4’s Zombies Titanic Map Makes Me Feel Like the King of the World

The tale of the R.M.S. Titanic’s fateful maiden voyage has been told by countless documentaries, a blockbuster movie, and even some weird old video games. Somehow, it’s now made its way into a Call of Duty game, of all things. As someone who completely adores the story, drama, and beauty of the doomed ship, I can safely say that Treyarch has created my most eagerly anticipated Zombies scenario yet.

The story begins with a rogue-ish group of four devising and executing a plan to steal an artifact from a safe located in the Titanic’s Millionaires Suite. The plan is foiled by a mysterious hooded figure who then – whoops! – accidentally turns everyone aboard the ship into flesh-eating zombies. Then, of course, the Titanic does what it was always fated to do: it sideswipes an iceberg.

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