Friday, October 12, 2018

Top 10 Haunted House Movies

With The Haunting of Hill House coming to Netflix in series form, and Halloween soon upon us, it's time to celebrate this most ghastly of seasons with a list - in no particular order - of our 10 all-time favourite haunted house movies.

Any and all of these should suffice as you settle down for an evening of apple bobbing and televisual frights, from the fearsome hilarity of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead II to the altogether more melodramatic horrors of The Haunting. Sure, we're playing a little fast and loose with the rules - we're allowing demonic hauntings as much as we are supernatural disturbances - but, regardless of source, if it goes bump in the night, it's got a place here. So, bolt your doors, shutter your windows and, whatever you do, make sure you're on the outside when the darkness finally crawls in.

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