Thursday, January 31, 2019

How Arrow is Building Toward a Future That Doesn’t Include Oliver Queen

The CW’s “Elseworlds” crossover was definitely an entertaining spectacle, but the most exciting aspect of this year’s annual Arrowverse mashup was what it revealed about where the CW’s superhero universe might be headed. Not only are we now officially slated to get the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” adaptation every DC fan has been praying for since The Flash pilot aired, it seems as though the network may be considering what to do with the series that started it all.

Arrow will wrap up its seventh season this year, and the dangling “Elseworlds” plot thread of a mysterious deal between Green Arrow Oliver Queen and multiverse guardian the Monitor leaves the CW with several options for how to continue it. The CW has just renewed Arrow (and the other DC TV shows) for another season, but at the moment there’s no guarantee that it will look anything like the show we’re watching now. Why? Well, for starters, it feels a lot like Arrow could be looking for a way to write out its lead. According to THR, CW boss Mark Pedowitz "said it's highly likely that the 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' crossover would feature a character death" when speaking to reporters at the Television Critics Association press tour this week.

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