A recent episode of The Flash, "Memorabilia," gave fans a closer look at the future of Central City and the Flash Museum that honors a fallen hero. That episode is crammed full of cameos and Easter eggs from DC Comics lore, but one stood out above all others. A villain named The Red Death is briefly referenced in this episode as a deadly enemy that The Flash fought at some point. If that name rings a bell, it's because The Red Death is one of the villains introduced in a 2017 Batman comic book crossover called Dark Nights: Metal.
Is this just one Batman reference among many in the aftermath of the "Elseworlds" crossover? Or could The Flash be teasing a Metal-inspired storyline down the road? Here's why we think this reference hints at much bigger things to come for the Arrowverse.
from IGN All http://bit.ly/2Gx9Dmy
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