Monday, March 25, 2019

How Dark Souls & Sekiro's Maps Double as Spacial Awareness Puzzles

From the ornate architecture of Anor Londo to the gaslit streets of central Yharnam, FromSoftware has a knack for creating truly unforgettable environments. And this tradition continues in their latest action-adventure game, Sekiro, with its Sengoku-era style setting of temples and decrepit castles. But what’s so special about these environments isn’t just their innate spectacle or their overwhelming atmosphere, but how these areas tend to double as spatial awareness puzzles to test the player.

If you pay attention how FromSoftware constructs its worlds, there’s a pattern that quickly starts to emerge -- that is, between the constant cycle of live, die, repeat. Often, at the beginning of an area, the games will present you with an impassable obstacle, usually in the form of an unextended ladder, locked door, or a gate with an item behind it. Then you are tasked with finding your way to the other side of that obstacle without the aid of a map. In fact, second to ‘You are Dead’, the most commonly used words in FromSoftware’s phrasebook are usually ones reserved for taunting players over inaccessible areas and mechanical contraptions that refuse to work unless you operate them from a certain side.

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