Sunday, March 10, 2019

Know Your Captain Marvel from Your Captain Mar-Vell

With Captain Marvel now out, everyone is getting hyped for the post-Avengers: Endgame status quo of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, one that will include Brie Larson's Captain Marvel (presumably) as an Avenger. And then there's DC's Captain Marvel, who usually goes by the name Shazam these days. He's getting his own movie as well very soon. And that's just the beginning of the Captain Marvels...

These Captain Marvels have the same name but different logos, different symbols, and even different powers. But with two different movies based on these characters now a reality, now would seem to be a good time to take a look at the many people that have used the Captain Marvel moniker over the years. Confused yet? No? Let’s begin anyway!

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