Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Ranking Every Season 1 Legend in Apex Legends

Season 1 of Apex Legends has just launched and with it, a new Legend has entered the arena and there have been slight balance changes to existing legends. This ranking is based on a combination of solo and squad play, and is entirely subjective; the best legend is ultimately the one that you connect most with and that fits your playstyle. But, without further ado, here is our ranking of the Legends in Season 1.

9. Caustic

At the bottom of the list, we have Caustic. The Season 1 balance change adjusted the hitboxes for Caustic, Gibraltar, and Pathfinder but unfortunately, I don’t think it’s enough. Apex Legends is a game where aggression and evasiveness are rewarded because of the fast-flowing nature of combat, and Caustic still sticks out like a sore thumb. Although his gas traps did receive a buff of a faster cooldown and increased proximity radius, they really only shine in closed off areas and buildings. Skilled Caustic players will block off doors and choke points with their traps, but shooting the base of these canisters will render them useless. If you enjoy setting up ambushes and playing relatively defensively, Caustic is the perfect legend for you, but with the fast pace of Apex Legends and his still large hitbox, I’ve got Caustic at 9.

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