The story of Venom within the Marvel Universe has always been just this side of ridiculous. A fan-submitted idea for a Spider-Man costume that spun off into an alien anti-hero in the heart of the ‘80s and ‘90s, superhero comics' most "extreme" decades. Fans loved, and still love Venom in all his goofy glory, but the story has never been much more than a vehicle for Peter Parker adjacent angst and action figure marketing. At least, until now. Venom has been transformed from street level beat 'em up alien action movie to God-like cosmic force in the space of less than a year.
Recent issues of the series from Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman have completely overhauled Venom's longstanding origin story, specifically linking him to the high fantasy, primordial time of the Celestials. These changes have not only represented a huge reframing of Venom's past, but completely repositioned him within the framework of Marvel's cosmic mythology. Gone are the days of Peter Parker's hilariously sentient suit-turned-anti-hero. Eddie and Venom have been bumped way, way up the food chain. The symbiotic alien race, the Klyntar, were revealed to have been originated by a near-immortal creature named Knull, the "god of the Symbiotes" who existed when the universe had first been formed. Knull killed a Celestial, set up a forge in its decapitated head, and crafted a powerful, living weapon called All-Black the Necrosword, which actually turned out to be the first proper Symbiote as we would recognize them today.
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