Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Marvel's Kevin Feige Is Having 'Fun' Making Plans for X-Men and F4

It sounds like Marvel Studios mastermind Kevin Feige is having a good time working the X-Men and Fantastic Four into the MCU now that the Disney acquisition of Fox has brought those characters back home.

"It's still early days, but it's been a fun exercise, and it's one, by the way, that we've been doing for years,” Feige told Fandango when questioned about the progress of bringing Marvel characters whose film rights were previously controlled by Fox into the MCU. “Every development meeting starts with cool ideas and fun ideas, and our wheels are always turning in terms of what if... to use a Marvel publishing term,” -- referring to how Marvel Comics explores ‘What If’ ideas that would never happen in normal continuity -- “What if we did this? What if we did that? What if we had access to such and such characters? That's how Spider-Man: Homecoming came together in the first place, and it's fun to now be in this position with the Fox characters, too, because if we come up with a great ‘What If’ we can actually do it."

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