Wednesday, June 5, 2019

War of the Realms Struggles to Set Up its Finale

War of the Realms is nearing its conclusion, and there's little sign the series is changing its questionable course now. The book has been and continues to be a fun ride through a war-torn Marvel Universe, one that invites all manner of heroes to join in the fray. But its beauty still runs surface deep. Even issue #5's halfhearted attempts to re-center the conflict around Thor and his family do little to change that.

This is traditionally the point in any big Marvel crossover where the heroes begin rallying together and beating back the all-powerful threat looming over everything, and War of the realms #5 doesn't disappoint in that regard. Much of this issue is devoted to hopping from one battle scene to the next, showing readers how a motley lineup of heroes is succeeding where the gods, dwarves and elves of the Ten Realms failed. Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman focus on delivering one fist-pumping moment of victory after another, with She-Hulk stomping Ulik, Ghost Rider unleashing hell on the Enchantress, Wolverine filling an empty slot in the Warriors Three and various other fun, larger-than-life moments.

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