Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Werewolf Is An Arcade Brawler With a Twist

Werewolf: The Apocalypse is a tabletop RPG set in the semi-connected World of Darkness universe*, where classic monsters fight against greater evils than themselves. Because of its deep tabletop roots, I was surprised to find that Earthblood, the long-in-development adaptation of the W:TA License, is less an RPG and more of a combat-driven action game.

But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Earthblood tells the story of Cahal, a werewolf who’s lost his human family and is struggling to reconcile with his wolven self, as he struggles to protect Earth (yes, he's what the government would call an "eco-terrorist") in a centuries-long war against an ancient evil force hell-bent on bringing about the apocalypse (GET IT?).

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