Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Ultra Rare Nintendo Cartridge Traded Into Game Shop

A copy of the ultra-rare Nintendo World Championships 1990 cartridge turned up in a box of traded-in NES games at a used game store in Seattle, Washington.

On August 6, Pink Gorilla Games tweeted a picture of the cartridge and “Just traded in! Not joking.” We followed up for the full story from the buyer and Pink Gorilla Games Owner, Cody Spencer:

"The guy came in not knowing at all what the cartridge was worth. He was pretty blown away with the offer. I made sure to explain to him what the item typically sells for and what we would offer him and why… The seller had no idea what it was nor where he got it. It sounds like he collected NES games a little bit when collecting NES games had yet to grow in popularity."

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