Thursday, September 5, 2019

Disneyland Lets You Build a Custom $200 Lightsaber… But Won’t Let You Play With It

I had no intention of paying $200 to let my eight-year-old daughter build her own custom lightsaber at Disneyland, no matter how much she loves Star Wars. That’s just… a lot of money, even by we’re-already-bankrupting-our-savings-account-by-coming-here Disney standards. Little did I know that when I finally gave in, my daughter wouldn’t even be allowed to play with her pricey Star Wars souvenir...

Building the lightsaber is, I have to say, genuinely an experience – one of the most impressive ways Galaxy’s Edge successfully brings Star Wars to life. And my daughter ate it up. As a dad, was I buying a memory? Yeah, I was. But after she had watched the original trilogy of films and listened to the audiobooks countless times, designing her own personal Jedi weapon in Savi’s Workshop made for a fun and unique Star Wars moment for both of us to enjoy together.

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