Sunday, November 24, 2019

Watchmen: Season 1, Episode 6 Review

This review contains spoilers for Watchmen episode 6, "This Extraordinary Being." To refresh your memory of where we left off, check out our recap of Watchmen episode 5.

The other shoe drops (and how!) with the sixth episode of HBO’s Watchmen. When Angela Abar (Regina King) was arrested in episode 5, for covering up her grandfather’s part in a murder, she swallowed his memories in pill form. This week, “This Extraordinary Being” takes us through Abar’s mind as she re-lives the past from Will’s perspective. It’s a uniquely conceived hour of television that digs deep into Watchmen history, not only by pointing a camera at the comic’s unexplored corners, but by staying in conversation with Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ original text. In doing so, the show creates a continuum between page and screen — between past and present — by presenting a walkthrough of Will’s life in long, seemingly unbroken takes. A visual continuum, rewriting history from a specific point of view by revealing truths about white America through one of its historically whitest fictional institutions: the comic book superhero.

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