Tuesday, January 8, 2019

13 Secrets We Learned on the Set of Captain Marvel


While Marvel was shooting Captain Marvel in 2018, IGN and a small group of press visited the set in southern California to learn more about the upcoming film featuring Brie Larson as Carol Danvers, the high-flying superhero Captain Marvel. The two trailers released thus far have given viewers a taste of what to expect, and now we have some juicy soundbites from the directors, producer, and actors for you to sink your teeth into.

Here are 13 things we learned while on set.

(Also check out three behind-the-scenes photos from the set by clicking through the slideshow gallery below.)

The Movie’s Unusual Timeline

The trailers have already painted a picture of what to expect, but producer Jason Schwartz gave us the chronological skeleton of how the movie unfolds. He said they were consciously trying to make this movie different structurally from other Marvel origin stories, and so “the movie starts with the Captain Marvel character already in outer space, already having superpowers, and already fighting on the side of the Kree in the Kree/Skrull war. You get a glimpse of her squad there, Starforce, led by

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