Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Flash Attempts to Change the Future in Episode 12


This review contains spoilers for The Flash Season 5, episode 12, "Memorabilia." Our regular reviewer, Jesse Schedeen, was unable to review this week's episode - he'll be back next week.

While the war between Team Flash and Cicada continues, this week’s episode technically sidelines the meta serial killer, and opts for a horror-tinged memory-within-memory Inception story. Cicada poses a threat, but only as a defense mechanism within his niece’s unconscious mind. “Memorabilia” also serves as something of a superhero therapy session for the West-Allen family as more of Nora’s story is revealed. The largely enjoyable episode still feels slightly like it’s treading water before Eobard Thawne returns to the fore, but there’s at least some significant reveals, cool Easter eggs, and lighthearted ensemble moments along the way.

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from IGN All http://bit.ly/2CRl2ud


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