Tom King's Batman run has had many high points, but few storylines can rival the brief "Super Friends" arc in Batman #36 and 37. Those two issues captured the series at its most charming and lighthearted, exploring the bond between Batman and Superman and even making BFFs out of Lois Lane and Selina Kyle. Issue #68 is a welcome treat, then, as it serves as a companion piece to "Super Friends." This issue provides a welcome dose of levity in the midst of a bleak storyline, even as it also paves the way for the final stage of Batman's nightmarish mental odyssey.
The bulk of this issue plays out as a sort of lost chapter in the Batman/Catwoman marriage saga, showcasing the two characters enjoying their respective bachelor/bachelorette parties. "Enjoying" being a very relative term in Bruce's case. It's both sad and hilarious to watch Bruce enjoy a quiet evening in Wayne Manor with Clark Kent as the two sip soup, play chess, study artwork and struggle to find anything at all with which to make small talk. There's a faint Batman '89 homage to the whole thing as King and artist Amanda Conner evoke Bruce and Vicki Vale's awkward first date.
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