Sunday, April 21, 2019

Here's How Long Every Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode Will Be

Game of Thrones has finally returned, and with only six episodes in the final season, we have less time in Westeros than ever before. Despite that, the episode lengths for Season 8 are some of the longest in the show's history.

How long are the episodes in Game of Thrones Season 8? Last week's Season 8 premiere was the shortest episode of the season at 54 minutes, while tonight's episode 2 length will be just under a full hour - but as HBO previously revealed back in March, the final four episodes will all be around an hour and 20 minutes long. HBO is still keeping the episode titles for Season 8 hidden until they air, likely to avoid giving away any plot details about the new season ahead of time. Check out the episode run times for Season 8 below, courtesy of HBO.

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