Monday, April 8, 2019

Soundwave, Ultra Magnus Coming to Transformers: TCG in Wave 3

Fan-favorite Transformers and new card types head up Wave 3 of Transformers: The Card Game. Among the upcoming additions are Soundwave, Ultra Magnus and Major Shockwave.

Based on the Transformers Siege: War for Cybertron line from Hasbro, Wave 3 also introduces two new card types: Battle Master and Micro Master cards. Wave 3 is set for a June 28 release in the U.S. and "certain other regions."

Whereas the Metroplex card took the large character cards of Transformers: TCG and made an incredibly massive 200mm tall card, the new Battle and Micro Master cards shrink cards down to 88mm tall by 63mm wide.

Drew Nolosco, Transformers: TCG Brand Manager, told us each War for Cybertron: Siege pack "will have two character cards in it: one large character and one small character," and includes some characters "never been shown before in their original Cybertronian incarnations."

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