Monday, April 29, 2019

Tom Holland Reveals New Spider-Man and Mysterio Photo From Far From Home

Tom Holland has revealed another Spider-Man Far From Home image on his Instagram, featuring himself and Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio.

Warning: Serious Spoilers for Avengers Endgame below. Continue on at your own risk.

After the record breaking weekend of Avengers: Endgame, it’s easy to forget that Marvel Phase 3 actually ends with Spider-Man Far From Home.

Freshly un-dusted, Peter Parker’s latest adventure takes place after Avengers: Endgame. Short of the fact it features some new suits, a returning cast of kids, Jake Gyllenhaal and a host of elemental beast things, we know basically nothing about the movie’s plot. This new image, posted to Holland’s Instagram, at least lets us a speculate on the relationship between Spider-Man and this new villain.IMG_2130The previously unseen image features Spider-Man and Mysterio talking in some sort of bunker/control room. Most interestingly in this image, Peter is seen without his mask on. Pointing to either some sort of mutual respect between Mysterio and himself, or at least a relationship that is a little different from the traditional, “I’m going to unmask Spider-Man,” villainous plot.

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