Saturday, April 20, 2019

Up At Noon: Bad N64 Games On Switch, Suda51's Airplane Poops, and Our Crash Bandicoot Theory

Hey! Here's the very first episode of the all-new, fully-rebooted, flavor-blasted, industrial strength Up At Noon! In case you missed the announcement here along with our totally insane teaser trailer, we've taken some time to retool the show after tons of demand to bring it back. From celebrity and game developer interviews to lists, unboxings, and nonsense, Up at Noon has long been a cornerstone of IGN and we're ecstatic to have it return.

How have we retooled it? Well, this time around we're taking over weekends on IGN, which is probably the best time of the week to actually wake up at noon. We've upped the production value a bunch, too! It's also no longer live, and now exists primarily as a bunch of silly bite-sized segments that will be going up every weekend all across the internet, which we'll also be stitching them together into a proper variety show exclusively on IGN, which is what this is! You'll also be able to watch break-out clips from the show on IGN's YouTube channel every weekend! So grab a huge bowl of sugary cereal (or a healthier breakfast or whatever) and think of it as adult Nickelodeon or a live-action Saturday morning cartoon.

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