Thursday, May 30, 2019

E3: Here's What We Want From Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

 Outside of a rather unceremonious title reveal at last year’s EA press conference at E3, not much was known about Jedi: Fallen Order until this year’s Star Wars Celebration convention in Chicago, where developer Respawn Games blew the lid off the game with an hour-long live panel in front of a packed Star Wars loving crowd. At the panel, Respawn debuted a new cinematic trailer, discussed some big story, setting, and character details, and even unveiled the game’s new droid, an adorable little robot named BD-1 who looks like a sentient version of Luke Skywalker’s Macrobinoculars from A New Hope. We learned that the story features new Star Wars hero Cal Kestis, a Jedi padawan trying his best to lay low after the Empire’s Order 66 was enacted to (almost successfully) wipe out all Jedi from the galaxy.

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