Thursday, May 30, 2019

Here's What It's Like to Pilot the Millennium Falcon

Note: IGN has been in the business of reviews for more than a decade, but to our knowledge, we haven't reviewed a theme park ride before now - so consider this an experiment for us as much as you, with the caveat that we have no existing reviews to compare it to, and that your own experience will undoubtedly be colored by what you enjoy most about theme park rides, so we encourage you to visit the park and experience it for yourself if you can! Also, according to the Disney press materials, the ride's official title is Smugglers Run with no apostrophe, and yes, it bothers us grammar nerds too. This review has been updated (5/30) with more details on the visuals of the ride and a quote from one of the producers on the use of Epic's Unreal game engine.

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