Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Legends of Runeterra: Why Riot’s New Digital Card Game is a True Contender


Riot Games clearly doesn’t do things in half measures. Legends of Runeterra (LoR), the studio’s long-awaited “Game 2” (no, Teamfight Tactics doesn’t count) has been in development for three plus years, currently has a team-size north of a hundred and despite featuring iconic characters from League of Legends, uses NO legacy art. It’s a substantial investment - for a CCG, no less - but the result is a game that looks and feels like a million bucks, and will shake up in the space in some significant ways.

For League of Legends fans, it’s the inclusion of champions that will immediately appeal. 24 of the most iconic champions from the MOBA are featured in the initial batch of cards, with more promised for each future set. The starter lineup covers off a heap of fan favourites; both broadly popular and somewhat divisive characters, and the range is reflective of the variety in League itself. On one hand you have Teemo, Heimerdinger and Braum, on another, Garen, Darius and Tryndamere. On still another, Ezreal, Fiora and Lux. Oh, and better include Yasuo, Shen and Zed too. And Elise, Thresh and Kalista for a darker vibe. And it wouldn’t be League of Legends without Jinx. The list goes on.

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from IGN All https://ift.tt/2VM2ogm

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