Sunday, October 20, 2019

Was That the Owlship on HBO’s Watchmen?

Spoilers follow for the first episode of HBO’s Watchmen.

The Owlship is one of the coolest pieces of technology in the original Watchmen. The brainchild of Dan Dreiberg, a.k.a. the second Nite Owl, the ship -- called Archimedes, or Archie for short -- was seemingly ahead of its time, with its hover and underwater capabilities, various weapons, and of course onboard coffee machine! And now that same technology has shown up on HBO’s Watchmen, and indeed was spotted by some fans in the trailers for the show as well. But the question is, is it the Owlship?

In a word, no.

The new version of the Owlship and the original from the graphic novel. The new version of the Owlship and the original from the graphic novel.

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