At Computex AMD has pulled the wraps off its next-gen GPU and CPU architectures, revealing its Navi GPU and third generation Ryzen CPUs as well. AMD CEO LIsa Su delivered a keynote address to kick off the hardware-focused trade show in Taipei, and showed off some of its upcoming hardware, with the promise of going more in-depth at E3 in two weeks time.
AMD Introduces Navi
The existence of AMD's Navi GPUs has never been a secret, but up until now all we knew about them was that they were going to be built on a 7nm node. It's such a non-secret that Sony has already stated it will be using Navi in the next-gen Playstation. At Computex, Su revealed the GPUs in the Navi lineup will be called the Radeon 5000 series; a nod to the company's 50th anniversary. They will also be the first GPUs built on a new RDNA microarchitecture (short for Radeon DNA), which is a departure from the previous GCN architecture that has powered everything from Hawaii up to Vega and the current Polaris cards. AMD announced it as the RX 5700 series, but pricing, clock speeds, and pricing were all TBD. However, they did say the GPUs will be available in July.
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