Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Batman's Final Adventure Is Fascinating and Weird

DC's Black Label imprint has had a more sluggish start than readers were probably hoping. Between the silly "Batpenis" controversy last fall and the lack of new books since, Black Label has yet to live up to its promise as a haven for mature, accessible superhero stories. Luckily, the imprint is getting a major boost with the arrival of its second Batman-focused comic. Batman: Last Knight on Earth is shaping up to be both a worthy addition to the line and a fitting conclusion to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's long-running Batman saga.

Snyder has said this series was inspired by a conversation with fellow Batman veteran Grant Morrison, who told him that every great Batman story should feature both a birth and a death for the Dark Knight. Having already chronicled Batman's birth in Zero Year, Snyder and Capullo are now handling the death in Last Knight on Earth. This new miniseries has clear ties to their past work (referencing plot points from "Superheavy" and the current Justice league comic), but its post-apocalyptic future setting also ensure the series stands on its own two legs. Not only do readers not need to have read the New 52 comic to appreciate Last Knight on Earth, the bizarre setting ensures readers will be caught off guard regardless of their familiarity with previous stories.

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