Thursday, May 16, 2019

DC Gives Superman's Origin a Troubling Overhaul

Note: this is an advance review of Superman: Year One #1, which is scheduled for release on Wednesday, June 19. The review covers basic plot details but avoids major spoilers.

Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli's Batman: Year One stands out as a seminal addition to the Batman canon, not just because it's an exceptionally well-crafted story, but because it marked the first time any creators had attempted to explore Bruce Wayne's early days on the job in such depth. Many DC fans have no doubt wondered how Miller might apply that formula to the Man of Steel. Now they'll find out, as Miller reunites with Daredevil: The Man Without Fear artist John Romita, Jr. for Superman: Year One, the latest addition to the mature readers-focused DC Black Label imprint. Sadly, this latest origin revamp isn't shaping up to be a worthy companion to either Batman: Year One or The Man Without Fear.

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